How to become an Agriculturist.

How to become an Agriculturist. Step by step guide.
How to become an Agriculturist. Step by step guide.

An agriculturist deals with farming/production, distribution, marketing of agricultural products. It encompasses the land management, water supply, irrigation, cultivation of crops to finally storing, distribution and marketing of the farm products. Agriculturists can be employed by govt. bodies like FCI, private plantation companies etc.

Skills Required to be an Agriculturist.

How to become an Agriculturist is an easy question but do you have the skillset and passion to excel in this field is a more important question. Agriculture is the base of India’s culture and economy, its impact on lives of countless human beings is unparalleled and it provides the basis for a sustainable civilized society. Agriculture as a field of career is growing with solid prospects. Students with love for the practice of farming coupled with a hard working and a methodical mindset can opt for a career as an Agriculturist. Senses of social giving back along with a strong feeling of patriotism are the essential pre- requisites for a career in this field. Students aspirating to get in this field should harbor an innate love and interest to excel in this field of study.

How to become an Agriculturist.

Courses in the field of Agriculture are offered to students at Graduate; B.Sc(Agriculture) ,B.Tech ,Post Graduate levels; M.Sc(Agriculture), M.Tech and at the research level; Ph.D.  For a Graduate course, a student has to fulfill the eligibility criterion of passing 12th class with science stream and with an aggregate of 50% marks in the subjects. Various entrance exams are conducted by Universities and Institutes, qualifying which a student enters into the field of academics. Graduate courses basically provide academics in basic acquaintance with the subject and further Post graduate courses; M.Sc and M.Tech provide specialized training in disciplines like Agronomy, Soil Science, Agricultural Economics, Crop genetics and breeding, Farming systems management, and Agriculture marketing management.  Ph.D deals with the research in the specialized field as studied by the student at the master’s level

Job Prospects for an Agriculturist.

 The Agriculture sector of the economy though at its ebb currently is bound to revive effectively with cutting edge biotechnological applications being introduced. It is the foundation sector of any countries economy and is at the high priority level of governance. It has become highly mechanized, scientific and technological and the career prospects it offers are ever growing. Genetically Modified seeds are readily available for farmers due to recent spurt of biotechnological research in the field.

The nature of work that the field provides are in the sectors of Agriculture Research, Agri-Business, Agro-Industry , agricultural journalism, Agri-education , conservation, Agricultural Engineering , Management and many others. The pay packages are variable depending on which sector you get employed in, and can be highly profitable and as well as productive.

Some good institutes for Agriculture course.

  • Indian Agriculture Research Institute, Delhi                              
  • Anand Agriculture University, Anand                                       
  • University of Agricultural Sciences                                      
  • University of Horticultural Sciences                                      
  • Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwavidyalaya                                 
  • Kerala Agricultural University                                                        
  • IIT-Kharagpur                                                                                    
  • Tamil Nadu Agricultural University                                               
  • Institute of International Agriculture, Michigan State University  
  • University of Aberdeen, UK                                                                  
  • Norman Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture, USA        

Checkout UG programs in Science here.

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